Need a Book Teaser or Cover Trailer?

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words...

And when it comes to selling books, authors need all the promo we can get!

A hot cover made into a fabulous Cover Trailer can put your book into the limelight, and putting it on the right pages can help increase your sales.

If you want to have a cover trailer made, use my "Contact Fran" page to send me a message.

Prices start at only $35.00 for a simple cover trailer. The price includes uploading the trailer to YouTube and/or Blazing Trailers. If you want to buy a permanent CD with your trailer(s) it will be an additional $10.00 per trailer.

If you want royalty free photos for your trailer, or royalty free music that I don't already own, I will have to run an estimate for you. I charge the cost of materials plus $35.00.

See samples of my cover trailers!

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