Reviews for Out of Her Dreams

Reviews For Out of Her Dreams

Just Erotic Romance Reviews (JERR)

Title: Out of Her Dreams
Author: Fran Lee
Publisher: Ellora's Cave Publishing
Publisher URL:
Reviewer: LT Blue
Rating: 5 Stars
Heat level: O (Orgasmic)

Samantha (Sam) Hastings has made a career of writing a series of books about the man of her dreams. He has been coming to her dreams for the past few years and she has used him and his likeness just from her memories. David Chance couldn't believe it when he discovered that an author was writing about him and he didn't know it. As outraged as he is, he is drawn to the photo insert in Sam's books and getting her under him is becoming more important than getting payment for the use of his likeness.

Sam had no idea that during a book signing she would literally meet the man she has only dreamt about. It turns out David is a popular professional wrestler. David will have to use cunning to keep Sam by his side. How else will he ever recoup what is due to him?

Out of Her Dreams doesn't have any magic, paranormal, action, or suspense yet it kept and held my interest until the very end. It is a modern day love affair with a sexual kick that kept my engine revved and ready for action. Sam and David are excellent characters who are able to carry this story without a lot of background noise and few secondary characters.

The sexual chemistry between them was like a match to flammable oil the first time their skin connected. I had to keep the air conditioner on super high and the towels at the ready each time these two came together sexually and boy was it a lot. I enjoyed Sam's character because she was just so darn realistic that I could place myself in her shoes at any moment.

David is an Alpha man, the kind that I love, dominant and self assured, until it comes to his love for a good woman. He gets that mental kick in the butt. I truly loved this story and didn't want to let David or Sam say goodbye to me.

Out of Her Dreams was more than I imagined and I can't wait to tell everyone to pick it up for a long night of orgasms. Keep your toys close and your partner closer!

LT Blue
Just Erotic Romance Reviews


Out Of Her Dreams
By Fran Lee


Samantha Hastings is no stranger to giving people what they want. As a romance novelist she's written novels catering to her fans' desires and truth be told, her own. The inspiration for her sexy hero comes straight from erotic dreams she has night after night. Dreams she'd like to make reality. Of course, she didn't think she'd ever get the opportunity.

When the man Sam's written about again and again appears in the flesh, Sam can't believe her eyes. There is no way she'd ever have missed a real life version of her fantasy lover, but this man is very real and offering her one heck of an ultimatum. If she's going to save her career she'll have to risk being alone with the man of her dreams.

Out Of Her Dreams is the ultimate dream for readers. Wondering what it would be like to meet the flesh and blood hero from your favorite romance novel? This is the romance novel for you! Ms. Lee's story kept me glued to my seat.

I couldn't wait to see what happened and the best part of that is I really wasn't sure how this story was going to end. Ms. Lee kept me in suspense all the way to her captivating final scene. I loved this novel!

Kerensa Wilson
Crave More Romance Reviews

TwoLips Reviews

Out of Her Dreams by Fran Lee

Written by Lila
Thursday, 16 July 2009

Recommended Read

Title: Out of Her Dreams
Author: Fran Lee
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Genre: Contemporary
Publication date: June 2009
ISBN: 9781419921247
Pages: 128
Series: N/A
Reviewer: Lila

Heat Level: HOT!

Rating: Five Lips!

Samantha Hastings has realized enormous success writing about the man that appears in her dreams. The gorgeous hunk on the cover with the obsidian eyes sets her blood racing. If only she could really find a man like him in real life. One who would not be abhorred about the scars found on her body from a terrible accident. That accident left scars on more than just her body; it left scars deep in her soul. So deep, in fact that she bears a secret that is about to be revealed.

David Chance is a pro wrestler; imagine his shock when his agent tells him he is the face on the cover of not one but numerous romance novels. Best sellers at that. Intrigued at first, he goes out and buys the books. After reading them he is irate. He wants to know how this woman he never met found out so much deep personal stuff about him. Things he hasn't told anybody, ever. When he notices she's having a book signing, his plans change on the spot. He is going to meet this woman, and find out what her game is. Then slap her with a lawsuit for not having his permission use his face or his soul. David had no idea he would be so attracted to her on sight. He is about to use the leverage he has to get more than money out of her. He wants her in his bed.

Sam and David both suffer from scarring pasts, and haunting futures. Will they be able let go and forge a future together with each other? Or continue on the lonely paths that they have been on for so long? Out of Her Dreams by Fran Lee is a captivating story that had me hooked from the blurb I read. Lee captured me with the stunning man that arrives at Sam's book signing. I felt like I was there experiencing the whole thing, I even hid my nose in my shirt; I was so embarrassed for Sam. The chemistry between David and Samantha is so magnetic; you will be drawn to them, unable to put the book down.

Samantha gets so caught up in David's fast paced life that she feels like she is losing herself. I really felt for her, to love a man so much but to know you can't continue on that way, and to make that decision is heart-breaking. I found myself cheering for the wrestler and praying he did what was right. I can't wait to read more books by Lee. She has you down for the three count with Out of Her Dreams.

What readers say about Out of Her Dreams

1. M. A. on 7/19/2009, said:

Of all the ebooks I've downloaded, this has got to be the best. Excellent writing, great wonderful story and have re-read many times over.

reader rating: 5 stars

2. Cynthia on 6/21/2009, said:

If you want a great, hot romance, this is the one!

reader rating: 5 stars

3. michelle on 6/13/2009, said:

I read the excerpt and thought this book sounded cute and different. I absolutely loved it.

reader rating: 5 stars

The Romance Studio

Out of Her Dreams

Fran Lee

Contemporary erotic romance
Available from Ellora's Cave
ISBN: 9781419921247
June 2009

Samantha Hastings is a best-selling romance author with innumerable adoring fans and lots of money in the bank. All this by writing about a wonderfully sexy, sensitive, virile, and strong gentleman she dreamed up in girlhood. David Chance AKA Chance Braza is a pro-wrestler who's got a reputation for being the hottest and most brutal man in the ring. The fact that his face is plastered all over mushy romance novels without his knowledge or permission does not sit well with him. He vows to get even with the sexy writer and he knows just what he wants.

This was a riotous read as Lee had probably created the ultimate case of "opposites attract" in these two extremely disparate protagonists. I greatly enjoyed how their different personalities clashed, and then the journey where the author eventually made them perfect complements for each other.

David was unbelievably sexy as he decided that Sam was the woman for him and acted accordingly to win the woman he desired. The bedroom scenes were graphic, raw, and very sensual and readers will need a cool drink afterwards!

I was holding my sides laughing as sensitive and ladylike Sam had to learn how to deal with wrestlers with names like "Wolfman", David's professional life in the ring, and screaming wrestling fans who were as likely to smash someone's head in with a chair as the pros.

Likewise, David's embarrassment when confronted with dewy eyed (and rather horny) romance-lovers was also endearing and I truly enjoyed all the scenes of this story. Lee's use of an unusual occupation for the hero was well-done and gave me a great view of the pro-wrestling lifestyle that I never would have really been interested in otherwise. The story also moved well and was fast-paced and the cast of secondary characters were charming and did much to support the story and protagonists.

A truly wonderful read!

Overall rating: 4 1/2 hearts (Excellent read)
Sensuality rating: Explicit

Reviewer: Auriel
August 10, 2009

Night Owl Romance

Out of Her Dreams

Street Date: 2009-06-12
Author(s): Fran Lee
Genre(s): Erotic Romance, Contemporary
Review Date: Aug 20, 2009
ISBN: 9781419921247
Print Book Price: n/a
E-Book Price: $5.95
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Score: (4.5 out of 5) (Reviewer Top Pick!)

Purchase The Book Now!

Night Owl Romance: Reviewer Top Pick

Sitting in a bookstore signing copies of her latest book in a romance series based on a Hero named Chance Davis, a man she's dreamt about for years, Sam looks up to her latest customer to see that man in the flesh. And he's not happy. How could he be real?

David Chance is a professional wrestler who has a reputation for being nasty on the mats. When a fan sends him a mushy romance novel with his face on it to sign, and it's part of a series no less, he can't believe it. Finding that the author is doing a book signing, he makes a side trip on his way to a match to confront her. But when he comes face to face with her, he wants her, not financial retribution.

David and Sam connect immediately, and their chemistry can't be denied. The scene of their first meeting in the stock room of the bookstore was phenomenal. When they meet later to discuss a financial settlement, things quickly move to the bedroom. The die is cast and both are thrown into an emotional and sexual tornado. But can a relationship based on sex survive?

I absolutely adored this book. The helplessness that both parties felt in the face of the passion the other incites is what fantasies are made of, and I couldn't put the book down. Sam's hesitance to trust David's interest in her and David's reluctance to admit his feelings to himself made for believable tension and conflict. My first read by this author, but it won't be my last.

Out of Her Dreams - Book Excerpt

She walked slowly across the luxuriously thick carpet to the ready supper table set up before the fireplace and looked about the decadently fabulous room. Obviously he had planned on a very private dinner and drink. She touched the bottle of champagne and swallowed hard. Dear Lord. She didn't know if she could manage being alone with him again. She didn't realize she wasn't alone until his voice made her turn with a little gasp.

"You have my book?" The sight of him standing in the doorway of the luxurious sitting room made her breath leave her in a startled whoosh.

Control yourself, Sam. It is not polite to stare and drool.

She nodded jerkily, opening the bag and taking out the hardback copy. "Of course. You paid for it."

She held it out as he walked across the room to stop a couple of feet from her. He looked awe-inspiring in a beautifully tailored silk shirt that was open to show his corded neck and a pair of trim Armani slacks. The material sleekly covered but didn't hide the massively muscled body beneath it and her mouth went dry again. God but that man had a walk--predatory and as sexy as hell.

She had no idea real live men could look so utterly marvelous and perfect. Dream men could but certainly not real ones. Heat pooled and swirled in the area somewhere below her navel, moving into the suddenly damp center of her body as the man moved toward her like some big cat on the prowl, those dark eyes moving down her body to her feet before returning slowly to her red face. A shot of something honeyed and hot surged through her at that look and she knew exactly what was on his mind because the exact same thing was running through hers.

He took the book from her hand slowly and opened it to the flyleaf, his dark eyes touching the page for a long moment before returning to her face again.

"You were serious about that dream bit?" His voice was quiet. A small smile curved his lips.

Oh. My. God. That mouth.

She swallowed and nodded jerkily. "Yes."

The sight of her standing beside the intimate little table for two sent a jolt of lust knifing through him almost painfully. David could almost taste her delicate floral perfume, along with the warm, delicious scent of a woman who craved what she saw. She stood bravely erect in an incredible blue silk dress that hugged every lush curve she possessed. The warmth of her body and the need in those emerald eyes fired his blood and made his groin swell and come alive with a vengeance. He found himself staring like an idiot. A horny idiot.

It was suddenly hard to remember why he had asked her to come. Was it to discuss the books, or was it simply to see her again? To take her and slowly strip her and taste her soft skin with his lips and tongue until she begged him to bury his cock inside her and finish it up right? Okay. That sounded good. Damn good.

She handed him the book with nervous hands and he wondered what those hands would feel like moving over his naked body. What she would think if he just tossed the damn book and dragged her against him to let her feel how rock-hard he was and how much he craved her. And as he opened it to stare at the autograph she had scrawled over the flyleaf page, he knew that she was not leaving here tonight until he had tasted every inch of that creamy skin.

Book Blurb & Info for Out of Her Dreams

She's a best-selling erotic romance writer. Her fans adore her. She's making excellent money. All by writing about a man she dreamed up many years ago. Her hero is handsome, virile, sexy, strong, sensitive and a complete gentleman.

He's a hot-headed, sex-on-the-hoof pro wrestler. He has a reputation for being the hottest, nastiest man on the mats. The fact that his face and body are plastered all over a bunch of mushy romance novels written by a woman with a death wish doesn't sit well on those massive shoulders. His agent's demanding monetary retribution from the woman who's dared to use his image on her covers but he has another form of retribution in mind...and it has nothing to do with money.

She was his the moment he touched her. He came out of her dreams to claim her, and she wants every hot, throbbing inch of that delicious man.

He wants her, naked, at his mercy. One hot, orgasmic night wasn't nearly enough. She ran...but he'll find her.

1 - Has major problems | 2 - Could have been done a bit differently | 3 - A great Read 4 - A Page Turner | 4.5 - 5 - Reviewer Top Pick!

Seriously Reviewed Says...

Out of Her Dreams by Fran Lee

Story: 9 (9--Lifetime Keeper to be read and reread.)

Presentation: 9 (9-10-- Cover, editing and overall book is spectacular)

Total: 18

Publisher: Ellora's Cave

Contemporary Erotic

Blurb: She's a best-selling erotic romance writer. Her fans adore her. She's making excellent money. All by writing about a man she dreamed up many years ago. Her hero is handsome, virile, sexy, strong, sensitive and a complete gentleman.

He's a hot-headed, sex-on-the-hoof pro wrestler. He has a reputation for being the hottest, nastiest man on the mats. The fact that his face and body are plastered all over a bunch of mushy romance novels written by a woman with a death wish doesn't sit well on those massive shoulders. His agent's demanding monetary retribution from the woman who's dared to use his image on her covers but he has another form of retribution in mind--and it has nothing to do with money.

She was his the moment he touched her. He came out of her dreams to claim her, and she wants every hot, throbbing inch of that delicious man.

He wants her, naked, at his mercy. One hot, orgasmic night wasn't nearly enough. She ran--but he'll find her!

"Holy Horny Toads!!! WOW! What a fantastic read. I loved it from beginning to end and every page in between. LOTS of smoking, steamy, sensual sex in a variety of locations. A totally captivating story about two people who once they meet, just can't keep their hands to themselves!

It's not your typical boom boom novel (though there was a lot of boom boom :0 ) Sam has real emotions and concerns about getting involved in a relationship with a sexy super star who has beautiful women falling over him all the time. And why wouldn't she? She thinks herself plain and scarred, nothing some stud would want for the long term.

Too bad her hormones and her brain can't seem to agree, because every time she gets around him her body has a mind of it's own and just can't stop the sparks and passion that fly between them.

What can I say about David? Well, since I harbor a secret fantasy about a certain ex marine wrestler the only thing I can say is........Can I have some mat time? Totally yummy!

Patrice at Joyfully Reviewed said...

Out of Her Dreams by Fran Lee

Ellora’s Cave

ISBN: 9781419921247
Reviewed by Patrice F.

Samantha is a bestselling erotic romance author with a hero that her fans can’t get enough. Too bad he’s not real. Or is he?

When David shows up at her book signing to discover the reason she is using his likeness on the book covers, Sam is sure she’s lost her mind. The worst that could happen is that he will sue her! It’s daunting; he’s an infamous pro-wrestler known for his wicked ways! There’s no way she can resist him, and he’s not taking “no” for an answer either.

Who can resist a hotter-than-Hades professional wrestler that’s straight Out of Her Dreams? No one can! And who would want to? Certainly not Samantha nor any other woman, fan, etc.—you get the picture!

This story blazes hotter than an oil fire; a team of firefighters couldn’t put it out! You might want to avoid reading this on a sweltering day if a cold beverage or shower is out of your reach. I also strongly suggest avoiding a crowded bus if you plan to take this tasty tale along because you’re sure to break out in a sweat and suffer discomfort all the way home.

Frisky, fun, with a host of characters you’re glad quit their day jobs, this story packed a punch, elbow, and uppercut so powerful I decided to read it again. The relationship twists are just as much a part of the plot as the unexpected extras. Samantha is assertive, artistic, vulnerable, and feisty. This personal balancing act is enough to keep up with David who’s libidinous, dominant, aggressive and tender under his tough act. I couldn’t get enough of them as a couple! Is David a ringer for Batista? Or The Rock? Is Samantha standing in for the author? I hope I’m closer to the answers than not!

What fun, all the goodies made fantasy. As a kid, I loved the WWF, and the endless list of characters and athletes strutting their stuff and working their skills. Fran Lee works her creativity and takes bragging rights, by using a testosterone loaded setting and fiery characters to keep you totally engaged and excited.

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