Book Reviews For A Brief Moment of Pleasure

A Brief Moment of Pleasure

Fran Lee

April 17, 2010 - 10:59 pm
Reviewed by Julia Barrett

Normally, I prefer to let others express their opinion on a book. However, author Fran Lee gifted me a copy of her book, A Brief Moment of Pleasure, to take with me on my trip and I have to say, the book is a delight. It’s a joy to read a story about a woman who can hold her own, not in the business world for a change, but in the world of martial arts.

Fran Lee makes it clear that the world of Japanese martial arts continues, even now, to be primarily a world of men. A woman has to work two or three times as hard as a man to be recognized and respected for her achievements and abilities.

The really cool thing about this story is I know the author, herself, is indeed a respected martial artist and she has stood in her heroine, Lisa’s shoes. My question is…did she have a hot guy like James Rhee panting at her stiletto heels? Hmmm? Do tell!!!

The story is unique and the author’s sincere voice comes through. Lisa’s relationship with James develops at a realistic pace. The reader shares Lisa’s frustration – she wants the man in her bed with a deep passion, but he’s her boss.

First and foremost, she wants to earn his respect. She has no intention of becoming his plaything – Lisa wants more than a brief moment of pleasure. The story is sweet and serious at times, laugh out loud funny at others. The bedroom scenes are smoking hot. The book is one where you can flat out lose yourself in romance for a few days!

Unfortunately, Asian heroes are rare in our contemporary romance novels. I hope James Rhee is the exception that proves the rule.

TwoLips Reviews says...

A Brief Moment of Pleasure by Fran Lee

Written by Lila

Friday, 16 April 2010

Title: A Brief Moment of Pleasure

Author: Fran Lee
Publisher: Resplendence
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic
Publication date: March 2010
ISBN: 9781607351276
Pages: 208

Series: N/A

Reviewer: Lila

Heat Level: Hot!

Rating: Four Lips

Lisa Hampton was hoping to teach her beloved Karate again, but, being female, was finding it difficult to land a position even though she was taught by one of the best and comes highly recommended. Her luck finally changes when James Rhee introduces himself and hires her for his school. She is ecstatic but there is just one problem, she finds herself unbelievably attracted to James.

James’ attraction to Lisa is also quite obvious, and he has no problem showing her. The problem he has though, is a big one in Lisa’s mind. James has a great deal of difficulty expressing his feelings for her. That, in her mind, is just not acceptable. No matter how passionate and great they are together.

He knows he has found his soul mate. They share the same love for the ancient martial arts, they both love teaching and they both are very giving people. So when James takes Lisa to meet his family, imagine her surprise at being greeted as his father’s newest daughter. James has told his family that he is going to marry Lisa. She thinks this is all just familial banter between James, his father and sister.

She quickly finds out that there is no banter going on. They are serious. Now the question becomes, can Lisa overcome her issue with hearing the words she thinks she so desperately needs from James. Or will she walk away and leave him to go their separate ways.

Fran Lee’s A Brief Moment of Pleasure is a great read. The book moves very quickly and the pace never really slows. Lisa and James' heat for each other is stunning and Ms. Lee’s mastery of passion never ceases to amaze me. I had a very hard time putting A Brief Moment of Pleasure down.

I also admit that I am not a big fan of first person stories, my reasoning being that I just don’t feel we get into the secondary characters' feelings as well. I have to say, even though we don’t see what James is feeling, we share every hurt, pleasure, and thought that Lisa feels. That is the stunning part of this story. That the reader actually connects with the main character and experiences her elations and terrible upsets. Very well done Ms. Lee.

Night Owl Reviews says...

A Brief Moment of Pleasure

3.75 Stars
Reviewed:Apr 23, 2010
eBook: $6.50

Author: Fran Lee

Genre: Spicy Romance, Multicultural

There was so much about this that I liked. Lisa Hampton has recently moved to California to accept a job that will allow her to use her degree, make a lot of money and provide a fresh change in her life. The one thing she allowed herself for free time was martial arts classes back east. After reading an ad in the paper for an instructor at a karate studio she decided it would be a good way to stay in practice doing something she loves.

James Rhee has a martial arts studio that specializes in teaching the idol rich and celebrities. He's seen Lisa's credentials and knows she'll be an asset. I loved the beginning of this story and thought the author did a great job of setting up the story.

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